Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Christmas WOD (credits to RC Crossfit)

1.5 mile run
1 rope climb
2 hand stand pushups
3 muscle ups
4 pistols
5 chest to bar pullups
6 oh linges with plate
7 kettle bell swimgs (70/50)
8 burpees
9 plate squats
10 box jumps (30"/24")
11 dubbs
12 wallballs
1.5 Mile Run
* 250m row penalty if the is any no rep or if any set is broken up

Rest as needed
And/ or

Partner wod 

For time: 
One partner does 1 clean and jerk(135/95) + 1 strict pullup
Then rest while other works
 2 clean and jerks + 2 strict pullups
Then rest while other works 
3 clean and jerk + 3 strict pullups 
All the way until Set completed is 10 clean and jerks + 10 strict pullups

*10 burpee penalty for any set that is broken up. (Both partner performs 10 burpees first) 

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