Friday, December 14, 2012


Next Stop - LA Battle of the Boxes (jan 19) and then Spartan Race (jan 27). It will be my first team competition and I cant wait. NoX Training will have 2 (possibly 3) squads competing Jan. 19th.

I haven't had a rest day since Friday before last weekends NLI Warrior Soul so I decided to do slight gymnastics work/running for active recovery so I can hit it hard again tomorrow.


1k Row Warmup

10 rounds (rest as needed):
8 Parallette HSPU (deficit)
12 TTB
5 Weighted Muscle ups (w/20# weight belt)
10Yard Hand Stand walk
15 Ring Dips

1 Mile Run @ 6min pace

The Spartan Race is just over a month away so we will be doing trail runs every weekend leading up to it. Tomorrow we will do a 3-4 mile trail run @12PM after our 9am oly session. Let me know if you would like to join myself and NoX Crew.

Location: Sycamore Canyon