"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."
- Henry David Thoreau
WOD 1:
4 Miles trail run
Strength/WOD 2:
Death by DeadLift/Burpees
Start the Clock the perform the following trend
1 deadlift + 1 Burpee on the first minute
2 deadlifts + 2 Burpees on the 2nd minute
3 deadlifts + 3 Burpees on the 3rd
4 deadlifts + 4 Burpees on the 4th
5 + 5
6+ 6
7+ 7
*all the way until you cannot finish the reps for that minute
**goal is to get as many rounds as possible
***Use 50-60% of your deadlift max