Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45: ???

4.5 Miles Biking

50 Kettle Bell Swings @ 1.5 pood (53.9#) / 40yard Prowler sled push w/135# / 50 Double unders
-rest 2 minutes-
40 Kettle Bell Swings / 40 yard Prowler sled push / 40 double unders
-rest 2 minutes-
30 kettle bell swings / 40 yard prowler sled push / 30 double unders
-rest 2 minutes-
20 kettle bell swings / 40 yard prowler sled push / 20 double unders
-rest 2 minutes-
10 kettle bell swings / 40 yard prowler sled push / 10 double unders

*ALL reps must be UNBROKEN. 
**Add 1 x 40 yard sled push at the end of the workout for each time you break. 
***record overall time, including rest and extra sled pushes (if any)

What do you tell people who ask, "what is CrossFit?".

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