10 x 1 Overhead Squats
*started low and built up to 245. Not a max but a moderately heavy weight.
7 Rounds:
7 Overhead Squats
7 Pull-ups
Thursday, August 29, 2013
8/28/13: "Mcghee" Hero WOD
5 x 8 Bench Press @225#
30 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Deadlifts @275#
13 Push-ups
9 box jumps
5 x 8 Bench Press @225#
30 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Deadlifts @275#
13 Push-ups
9 box jumps
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
8/27/13: Burners
8 x 500m of alternating between the rower and skiErg. Or stay on the same device throughout all 8 rounds.
Rest 2 Minutes between each interval. Set a pace that you will have a hard time maintaining for all 8 intervals. I set a goal to keep all under 1:45 for the row and all under 1:55 for the SkiErg.
Rest 15 Minutes
For Time:
5 Clean and Jerks (185)
5 Muscle ups
50 Double unders
4 Clean and Jerks
4 Muscle ups
40 double unders
3 clean and jerks
3 muscle ups
30 double unders
2 clean and jerks
2 muscle ups
20 double unders
1 clean and jerk
1 muscle up
10 double unders
For time:
For time:
21 Hand Stand Push-ups
21 Hang Cleans (135)
200m run
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 Hang Cleans
200m run
9 Hand Stand push-ups
9 Hang Cleans
200m run
8/26/13: MoSquat Monday
500m Row
Rest 1 Minute
10 Back Squats @40% of 1 Rep Max (1RM)
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Back Squats @50% of 1RM
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Back Squats @60% of 1RM
Rest 2 Minutes
Max Effort Back Squats @80% of 1RM
My Numbers were based of a 425 Back Squat
I used 175, 215, 255, and 340#s
I ended up getting 10 reps at the end. I will be hitting this again in 1-2 weeks and plan on getting 12+ reps on the last set.
7 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
9 Back squats (155#)
7 Pull-ups
5 Shoulder to overhead with the same weight.
*goal is to have a challenging weight to where you can do 5 unbroken shoulder to overheads then drop the bar straight on your back so that you go straight into the next rounds back squats without resting.
I ended up getting just under 7 rounds and decided to finish the 7th round even after the time was up.
500m Row
Rest 1 Minute
10 Back Squats @40% of 1 Rep Max (1RM)
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Back Squats @50% of 1RM
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Back Squats @60% of 1RM
Rest 2 Minutes
Max Effort Back Squats @80% of 1RM
My Numbers were based of a 425 Back Squat
I used 175, 215, 255, and 340#s
I ended up getting 10 reps at the end. I will be hitting this again in 1-2 weeks and plan on getting 12+ reps on the last set.
7 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
9 Back squats (155#)
7 Pull-ups
5 Shoulder to overhead with the same weight.
*goal is to have a challenging weight to where you can do 5 unbroken shoulder to overheads then drop the bar straight on your back so that you go straight into the next rounds back squats without resting.
I ended up getting just under 7 rounds and decided to finish the 7th round even after the time was up.
Monday, August 26, 2013
8/25/13: Clean Sunday
Build up to a heavy single clean
*I built up to 315#, which is the heaviest i've gone without using Olympic lifting shoes. I guess you can call that a PR. I started at 135# and added 10-20# each set until I reached 315#.
Rest 5 Minutes
Then 1 Power Clean + 1 Full clean Every Minute (touch and go) for 12 Minutes @265#
Rest 10-15 Minutes
10 x 200m Rowing Sprints with 45 seconds rest between each interval.
*pace should be your first 200m of your 1000m pace, or faster.
8/23/13: 30 Minute Interval
10 x 1 Snatch
10 x 1 Pause Overhead squats @155
*Pause for 10 seconds at the bottom
Every minute cycle thru the following movements for the entire 30 minutes.
The only rest you get is the time remaining of each minute after the prescribed work is complete.
1. 10 burpee box overs (20" box)
2. 10 Overhead squats (95#)
3. 100m Sprint
Rest 15 minutes
Then another 30 minute interval session as described above except new movements
1. 30 Seconds max effort air dyne
2. 10 Pull-ups (minimal kip)
3. 50 double unders
10 x 1 Snatch
10 x 1 Pause Overhead squats @155
*Pause for 10 seconds at the bottom
Every minute cycle thru the following movements for the entire 30 minutes.
The only rest you get is the time remaining of each minute after the prescribed work is complete.
1. 10 burpee box overs (20" box)
2. 10 Overhead squats (95#)
3. 100m Sprint
Rest 15 minutes
Then another 30 minute interval session as described above except new movements
1. 30 Seconds max effort air dyne
2. 10 Pull-ups (minimal kip)
3. 50 double unders
Friday, August 23, 2013
8/22/13: Push Presses, Gymnastics, Kettle Bells, Rowing
Interval work/Workload
20 Minute Interval Work
Minute 1: 10 Push Presses @155#
Minute 2: 10 Toes to bar
Minute 3: 10 Push Presses @155
Minute 4: 10 Toes to bar
*Keep up with the trend until 20 minutes are up.
**rest = remaining time of each minute.
***add an extra round for each time you break up into a smaller set(s).
Rest 15-30 Minutes
3 Rounds:
500m row (1st 500m should be pretty close to 1,000m pace)
20 Kettle bell snatches with 50# kettle (or dumbell, going just below the knees every time)
10 Burpee Pull-ups (perform a burpee, then jump up to a pull-up bar and do a pull-up)
20 Minute Interval Work
Minute 1: 10 Push Presses @155#
Minute 2: 10 Toes to bar
Minute 3: 10 Push Presses @155
Minute 4: 10 Toes to bar
*Keep up with the trend until 20 minutes are up.
**rest = remaining time of each minute.
***add an extra round for each time you break up into a smaller set(s).
Rest 15-30 Minutes
3 Rounds:
500m row (1st 500m should be pretty close to 1,000m pace)
20 Kettle bell snatches with 50# kettle (or dumbell, going just below the knees every time)
10 Burpee Pull-ups (perform a burpee, then jump up to a pull-up bar and do a pull-up)
8/21/13: Running
Row Warm-up
30 seconds on/30 seconds off of rowing for 10 minutes @1,000m pace.
7x3 Thrusters
I built up to 245# straight from the ground/unbroken. (NEW PR)
5 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Ring Dips
10 Burpees
rest 1 minute between each round
Rest 15 minutes
5 x 30 Seconds max effort Air dyne straight into 8 walking lunges with 100# dumbbells in each hand.
*30 Anchored situps between each round
**rest as needed between each round
30 seconds on/30 seconds off of rowing for 10 minutes @1,000m pace.
7x3 Thrusters
I built up to 245# straight from the ground/unbroken. (NEW PR)
5 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Ring Dips
10 Burpees
rest 1 minute between each round
Rest 15 minutes
5 x 30 Seconds max effort Air dyne straight into 8 walking lunges with 100# dumbbells in each hand.
*30 Anchored situps between each round
**rest as needed between each round
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
8/20/13: "The Man Test"
Power Snatch EMOM (Perform the following reps every minute on the minute for the given time)
Minutes 0-3: 5 Touch and Go Power Snatch @145#
Minutes 4-7: 3 Touch and go power snatch @165#
Minutes 8-11: 1 Power snatch @205#
Minute 12-14: 5 touch and go power snatch @145#
Rest 5-10 minutes
Clean + Jerk EMOM
Minutes 0-3: 5 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk @185#
Minutes 4-7: 2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk @225#
Minutes 8-11: 1 Power Clean + 1 Jerk@255#
Minutes 12-14: 5 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk@185#
*on minute 14 do 5 Clean and Jerks to finish off
Rest 10 Minutes
3x10 Touch and Go Deadlifts @315#
Rest 2 Minutes between each round
*goal is to get all 10 without dripping the bar (adjust your weight to where 10 reps is possible but still a struggle)
5 Rounds:
200m Sprint (90% max speed)
5 Muscle Ups (or 10 pull-ups + 10 Pushups as a substitution)
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Give this a try. Set the reader on the Erg to Watts and try to get the highest reading possible. This is a good test of power and strength. If you do not have a SkiErg, then a Concept2 Rower can work as well (just note that it is much harder to reach this watt rating on a Rower)
Monday, August 19, 2013
8/19/13: MoSquat Monday pt. 1029834...
AM Strength
5x2 Back Squats (start at a relatively heavy weight and then try try to add weight for every set)
(I built up to a 375 x 2. still feeling yesterdays hike, normally I would go heavier)
Complete the following as FAST AS POSSIBLE with little or no rest between rounds/reps:
21 Bench Presses (135#)
21 Pull-ups
21 GHDs (or 42 sit-ups if no GHD rack)
18 Bench Presses
18 Pull-ups
18 GHDs (or 36 sit-ups)
15 Bench Presses
15 Pull-ups
15 GHDs (or 30 sit-ups)
12 Bench presses
12 Pull-ups
12 GHDs (or 24 sit-ups)
9 Bench presses
9 Pull-ups
9 GHDs (or 18 sit-ups)
6 Bench presses
6 pull-ups
6 GHDs (or 12 pull-ups)
3 Bench Presses
3 Pull-ups
3 GHDs (or 6 Sit-ups)
4 Rounds:
1 Minute air squats
1 minute renegade rows (with 2 x 45# dumbells)
1 minute box jumps (20" box)
1 minute shuttle run 10 meters (set 2 cones 10 meters appart and run back and forth side to side touching each cone)
Rest 1 minute after each round
*count your total reps
(Running 10m = 1 point, 1 squat = 1 rep, 1 box jump = 1 rep, 1 arm row = 1 rep)
(I got 495 total reps)
5x2 Back Squats (start at a relatively heavy weight and then try try to add weight for every set)
(I built up to a 375 x 2. still feeling yesterdays hike, normally I would go heavier)
Complete the following as FAST AS POSSIBLE with little or no rest between rounds/reps:
21 Bench Presses (135#)
21 Pull-ups
21 GHDs (or 42 sit-ups if no GHD rack)
18 Bench Presses
18 Pull-ups
18 GHDs (or 36 sit-ups)
15 Bench Presses
15 Pull-ups
15 GHDs (or 30 sit-ups)
12 Bench presses
12 Pull-ups
12 GHDs (or 24 sit-ups)
9 Bench presses
9 Pull-ups
9 GHDs (or 18 sit-ups)
6 Bench presses
6 pull-ups
6 GHDs (or 12 pull-ups)
3 Bench Presses
3 Pull-ups
3 GHDs (or 6 Sit-ups)
4 Rounds:
1 Minute air squats
1 minute renegade rows (with 2 x 45# dumbells)
1 minute box jumps (20" box)
1 minute shuttle run 10 meters (set 2 cones 10 meters appart and run back and forth side to side touching each cone)
Rest 1 minute after each round
*count your total reps
(Running 10m = 1 point, 1 squat = 1 rep, 1 box jump = 1 rep, 1 arm row = 1 rep)
(I got 495 total reps)
8/17/13: More WorkLoad
Partner WorkLoad
Complete 2 rounds of:
2 muscle ups (or 2 pull-ups + 2 Push ups for each muscle up)
4 deficit handstand push-ups (or 12 hand release push ups)
8 kettlebell swings (88#)
*once you complete 2 rounds then rest while your partner completes 2 rounds.
**do this until each partner completes 5 rounds of the work stated above (which will be 10 rounds total each).
7x3 Front Squat as heavy as possible
500m ski (or row if you dont have a ski-erg)
21 Front squats (155#)
500m ski (or row)
15 Front Squats
500m ski (or row)
9 Front squats
Complete 2 rounds of:
2 muscle ups (or 2 pull-ups + 2 Push ups for each muscle up)
4 deficit handstand push-ups (or 12 hand release push ups)
8 kettlebell swings (88#)
*once you complete 2 rounds then rest while your partner completes 2 rounds.
**do this until each partner completes 5 rounds of the work stated above (which will be 10 rounds total each).
7x3 Front Squat as heavy as possible
500m ski (or row if you dont have a ski-erg)
21 Front squats (155#)
500m ski (or row)
15 Front Squats
500m ski (or row)
9 Front squats
Friday, August 16, 2013
8/16/13: Friday WorkLoad
1 full snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 OH squat
Here are the weights I used.
1 x 65#, 2 x 95, 2 x 115, 2 x 135, 3 x 145, 3 155, 2 x 165, 3 x 175, 5 x 185, 2 x 155
Just did a bunch of sets so I can work on mobility and muscle memory.
5 Rounds
250m ski erg @100% intensity, NO PACING
3 Snatches @155
7 Chest to bar Pull-ups
rest 1 minute between each round
Rest 15 Minutes
3 Muscle Ups Every minute for 15 Minutes.
1 full snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 OH squat
Here are the weights I used.
1 x 65#, 2 x 95, 2 x 115, 2 x 135, 3 x 145, 3 155, 2 x 165, 3 x 175, 5 x 185, 2 x 155
Just did a bunch of sets so I can work on mobility and muscle memory.
5 Rounds
250m ski erg @100% intensity, NO PACING
3 Snatches @155
7 Chest to bar Pull-ups
rest 1 minute between each round
Rest 15 Minutes
3 Muscle Ups Every minute for 15 Minutes.
8/15/13: Random title
1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 jerk Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes @ 225#
BIKE outside for 30 minutes
30 Minute Stretching/Mobility
1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 jerk Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes @ 225#
BIKE outside for 30 minutes
30 Minute Stretching/Mobility
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
8/14/13: The WORKLOAD Continues
6 x 500m Row
2 minutes rest between each interval
Kept all times as close to 1:45 as possible
Rest 15 Minutes
15 Minute EMOM
Every minute perform 3 Touch and go Deadlifts @325#
then do double unders until the halfway point thru each minute.
**for ex: if it takes you 10 seconds to do the deadlifts, then you will do dubbs for 20 seconds. Your rest will be 30 seconds.
Rest 15 minutes
Ring Dips
Hand Release Push-ups
Rest 5-10 minutes
100 strict pull-ups
Rest 15 minutes
2 Rounds:
200m ski erg at 100% intensity
10 pull-ups
rest 1 minute
6 x 500m Row
2 minutes rest between each interval
Kept all times as close to 1:45 as possible
Rest 15 Minutes
15 Minute EMOM
Every minute perform 3 Touch and go Deadlifts @325#
then do double unders until the halfway point thru each minute.
**for ex: if it takes you 10 seconds to do the deadlifts, then you will do dubbs for 20 seconds. Your rest will be 30 seconds.
Rest 15 minutes
Ring Dips
Hand Release Push-ups
Rest 5-10 minutes
100 strict pull-ups
Rest 15 minutes
2 Rounds:
200m ski erg at 100% intensity
10 pull-ups
rest 1 minute
8/13/13: WorkLoad
5 x 3 Touch and go power snatch
*i built up to 205# in about 7 sets
100 Power Cleans @185#
begin each minute with 5 chest to bar pull-ups and continue until 100 power cleans are completed.
5 Rounds:
Run 400m
10 Toes to bar
20 Ring Push-ups
Rest 1 minute
My time= 14:48 which takes account for the 4 minutes of rest in the total workout.
5 x 3 Touch and go power snatch
*i built up to 205# in about 7 sets
100 Power Cleans @185#
begin each minute with 5 chest to bar pull-ups and continue until 100 power cleans are completed.
5 Rounds:
Run 400m
10 Toes to bar
20 Ring Push-ups
Rest 1 minute
My time= 14:48 which takes account for the 4 minutes of rest in the total workout.
Monday, August 12, 2013
8/12/13: Mosquat Monday
5x2 Back Squat
AM Workload
100 Thrusters @135#
Perform 5 Burpees at the start of each Minute until you complete the 100 Thrusters
PM Workload
3 Rounds:
30 Seconds Max Effort Airdyne
12 Toes to bar
15 Ring dips
*rest after each round (rest time = time it took to complete the round)
Rest 5 Min
1 Round:
250m Ski Erg
25 Toes to Bar
25 Ring dips
*no pacing
rest 10 min
18 Minutes of 30 sec on/30 sec rest Airdyne
5x2 Back Squat
AM Workload
100 Thrusters @135#
Perform 5 Burpees at the start of each Minute until you complete the 100 Thrusters
PM Workload
3 Rounds:
30 Seconds Max Effort Airdyne
12 Toes to bar
15 Ring dips
*rest after each round (rest time = time it took to complete the round)
Rest 5 Min
1 Round:
250m Ski Erg
25 Toes to Bar
25 Ring dips
*no pacing
rest 10 min
18 Minutes of 30 sec on/30 sec rest Airdyne
8/11/13: Sunday Session
AM Workload
1 Minute Max Effort Muscle-ups
rest 5-15 min
7 min AMRAP:
3 Bar Muscle ups
6 Clean and Jerks @ 135#
9 Box Jumps @30"
PM Workload
6,000m Ski-Erg Straight into 1 Mile Sled pull @ walking pace with 90#.
1 Minute Max Effort Muscle-ups
rest 5-15 min
7 min AMRAP:
3 Bar Muscle ups
6 Clean and Jerks @ 135#
9 Box Jumps @30"
PM Workload
6,000m Ski-Erg Straight into 1 Mile Sled pull @ walking pace with 90#.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
8/9/13: Back in Training with Volume!
Law finals are over. Now back to training for competition.
AM Strength
12x1 Snatch
AM Workload
10 Minute AMRAP:
1 Muscle up (MU)
1 Overhead Squat (OHS) w/ 155#
2 Muscle Ups
2 Overhead Squats
3 MU
4 MU
4 OH Squats
...Continue on as far as you can get in 10 Minutes
PM Workload
8 Rounds:
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jump Squats (1 box jump fully locked out on top then perform 1 full squat while on top of the box)
13 plate jump push-ups (1 rep = 1 pushup with hands outside the plate and jumping on top of plate, then performing a full push-up while hands are on the plate...basically 2 push-ups = 1 rep.
23 double unders
PM Strength
25 Minute Power clean EMOM
Minute 0-4: 3 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @225#
Minute 5-9: 2 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @245#
Minute 10-14: 1 Power Clean Every 30 seconds @285#
Minute 15-19: 2 Power Cleans Every minute @275
Minute 20-24: 3 Touch and go Power cleans @265# (275# for the last set)
PM Workload #2
3 Rounds:
250 Ski Erg
40 Yard Sled Push (400# sled)
AM Strength
12x1 Snatch
AM Workload
10 Minute AMRAP:
1 Muscle up (MU)
1 Overhead Squat (OHS) w/ 155#
2 Muscle Ups
2 Overhead Squats
3 MU
4 MU
4 OH Squats
...Continue on as far as you can get in 10 Minutes
PM Workload
8 Rounds:
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jump Squats (1 box jump fully locked out on top then perform 1 full squat while on top of the box)
13 plate jump push-ups (1 rep = 1 pushup with hands outside the plate and jumping on top of plate, then performing a full push-up while hands are on the plate...basically 2 push-ups = 1 rep.
23 double unders
PM Strength
25 Minute Power clean EMOM
Minute 0-4: 3 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @225#
Minute 5-9: 2 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @245#
Minute 10-14: 1 Power Clean Every 30 seconds @285#
Minute 15-19: 2 Power Cleans Every minute @275
Minute 20-24: 3 Touch and go Power cleans @265# (275# for the last set)
PM Workload #2
3 Rounds:
250 Ski Erg
40 Yard Sled Push (400# sled)
Monday, August 5, 2013
8/5/13: MoSquat Mondays
5x3 Back Squats
12 Muscle-Ups
12 Front Squats (225# from the ground-no rack)
9 Muscle-Ups
9 Front Squats
6 Muscle-Ups
6 Front Squats
Rest 10 Minutes
5 Rounds of:
30 seconds air dyne / 30 Seconds rest
straight into
4 rounds of:
30 seconds air dyne / 30 seconds rest
30 seconds burpees / 30 seconds rest
30 seconds ski erg / 30 seconds rest
5x3 Back Squats
12 Muscle-Ups
12 Front Squats (225# from the ground-no rack)
9 Muscle-Ups
9 Front Squats
6 Muscle-Ups
6 Front Squats
Rest 10 Minutes
5 Rounds of:
30 seconds air dyne / 30 Seconds rest
straight into
4 rounds of:
30 seconds air dyne / 30 seconds rest
30 seconds burpees / 30 seconds rest
30 seconds ski erg / 30 seconds rest
8/4/13: Training
45 Minutes of SkiErg (or rowing or biking)
* every 10 minutes stop and perform 10 GHDs/10 box Jumps(30")/10 DB Snatch (70#)
This is a good recovery workout. Take a break from the high intensity/heavy lifting training at least one time a week and do something long and slow. It will definitely help with your recovery.
45 Minutes of SkiErg (or rowing or biking)
* every 10 minutes stop and perform 10 GHDs/10 box Jumps(30")/10 DB Snatch (70#)
This is a good recovery workout. Take a break from the high intensity/heavy lifting training at least one time a week and do something long and slow. It will definitely help with your recovery.
Friday, August 2, 2013
8/2/12: FU Fridays
Strength Training
500m Barbell Carry with 65#
50 Wall Ball Shots
40m Bear Crawl
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
40m Bear Crawl
20 Toes to bar
40m bear crawl
10 Hand stand push-ups
500m Run
*3 burpess every time you drop the barbell on the first run, don't go unbroken on the wallballs/toes to bar/handstand push-ups.
Rest 15 Minutes
3 Rounds:
500m ski erg
6 touch and go power snatch @135#
work rest ratio between each round 1:1
3 Rounds
500m ski erg
10 unbroken power cleans @ 135#
Work: rest = 1:1
500m Barbell Carry with 65#
50 Wall Ball Shots
40m Bear Crawl
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
40m Bear Crawl
20 Toes to bar
40m bear crawl
10 Hand stand push-ups
500m Run
*3 burpess every time you drop the barbell on the first run, don't go unbroken on the wallballs/toes to bar/handstand push-ups.
Rest 15 Minutes
3 Rounds:
500m ski erg
6 touch and go power snatch @135#
work rest ratio between each round 1:1
3 Rounds
500m ski erg
10 unbroken power cleans @ 135#
Work: rest = 1:1
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