Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11/11/13: Mosquat Monday Training

2 x 6 Front Squat
1st set-315#
2nd set-325# (failed 6th rep)

2 x 4 Back Squat
1st set-345#
2nd set-365#

15 Minute AMRAP:
7 Pull-ups
10 Ring Push-ups
15 Back squats @95#

1000m row @ 3:30 pace
rest 3 Minutes
1000m row @ 3:30 Pace
rest 3 minutes
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row

1 comment:

  1. Fortbildung Sexualtherapie One of the blatant truths about relationships is that the fire can slowly fizzle out in the hectic schedule of life and in the chaos of our normal routine
