Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 56: "Peaking"

10 Minute Bear Complex:
Perform 1 squat clean + 1 Jerk + 1 Back Squat + 1 Jerk without dropping the bar until done with reps
Bar Weight=225#
*Do this every minute for 10 minutes. 

5 Minute AMRAP:
7 Box Jumps / 7 Chest to bar pull-ups

-Rest 2 minutes-

5 Minute AMRAP:
7 plate burpees (burpee ending with a jump on top of a plate)
7 Power Cleans @ 135#

-Rest 2 minutes-

5 Minute AMRAP:
7 Thrusters @ 135#
7 Toes to bar

-Rest 5 Minutes-

1 Mile Run

The open is just over a week away. For those of you who are signed up, how are you guys training? Are you guys increasing WORKLOAD? Or are you guys tapering off to be fresh and fully recovered for the open? Do you believe in "peaking" for the open? Do you believe there is such a thing as "peaking" in CrossFit? As for me, I am increasing my WORKLOAD going into the open so that I will be able to handle the WORKLOAD that the open has to offer. The CrossFit Open is all about WORKLOAD; about who can do more work in a given amount of time. So over the past 2 Months I have been dramatically increasing my WORKLOAD to be able to handle the WORKLOAD to come in the OPEN. Like I said before, the workouts I post on here are only about 50-75% of the actual WORKLOAD that I do. I do a lot of extra running, cycling, strength training, and accessory skill workouts. I guess you may be able to determine from what I wrote above that I do not believe in "peaking" in the Sport of Fitness/CrossFit. I will save my opinion as to why for a future post. 

As of now I want to ask you guys as to what you think about "Peaking" in the Sport of CrossFit. *If you do not know what I mean about "Peaking", then I don't want to hear from you (for obvious reasons). For those of you who know what I am talking about when I say "peaking"; I want to hear from you about your opinion.