What is your Muscle Fiber Type?
Knowing your muscle fiber type can help you determine your approach to training. Have extermely high fast twitch muscle fiber, then you must spend more time on higher rep schemes and endurance type workouts. Have extremely low fast twitch muscle fiber then you must spend more time training in the lesser rep range workouts, and workouts that last much less in duration but are more intense. Read the article for more information.
3 rounds of:
15 Hang cleans @ 135
15 Burpees
Rest 10 Minutes
18 Minute EMOM
*at the start of the clock perform #1 on the first minute, #2 the second minute, then #3 the second minute. After #3 then repeat the cycle.
**follow the pattern until 18 minutes is up. your only rest is the time remaining for each minute after the work is completed.
1. Max effort air dyne for 30 seconds (or rower)
2. 12 unbroken toes to bar
3. 12 unbroken push presses @135#