AM Session
Hurdle Drills (hurdle mobility, hurdle walkovers, over unders, skips)
1 Mile Time Trial
Strength: 30 minutes later
5x20 Bench Press5 x 12 Strict Pull-ups
PM Conditioning
Every 2 Minutes for 10 minutes perform the following curcuit:-30 seconds of max effort air dyne for calories
-10 sumo deadlift high pulls with 115#
-1 muscle up to 12 ring dips
*should take about 1 minute to about 1:15...then you rest the remainder of the 2 minutes
After 10 minutes then just continue to do 30 seconds on/30 seconds off until 25 minutes
-on the 25th minute perform 10 Sumo deadlift high pulls straight into 1 muscle up to 12 unbroken ring dips.