15 Minute EMOM:
3 Touch and Go squat cleans every minute, on the minute, for 15 Minutes. (45 Reps Total)
205#'s on the bar
Rest 5-10 Minutes
3 Rounds for time of:
500m SkiErg
30 WallBalls (20# ball to 10' target)
30 Kettle Bell Swings (50#)
Rest 5 Minutes
10 Rounds of 250m SkiErg Sprints
1 Minute rest Between each round

I went to spectate at the CrossFit Games this past weekend and all I saw was FIT women and great athletes. There is no other event where beautiful women as in the picture are all around you. Go to a Football, Basketball, or any other mainstream sport and you will see the that most of the spectators are not healthy and/or in shape. The CrossFit games definitely has the FITTEST spectators on earth.