Wednesday, July 31, 2013

7/31/13: Mid Week Training Session

4 minute max effort rowing for distance
rest 1 min
4 minute max effort ski-erg for distance
rest 1 min
4 minute max distance sled push 
* set markers to measure 5 meters. Push 5 meters then turn around and push it back 5 meters. 
**Tally up your total distance combined with all 3 movements. 
rest 1 minute
10 Rounds of 30 seconds on/30 seconds off on the airdyne. 

Rest 5 Minutes

3 Dead Lifts every minute for 15 minutes with 315#
1 Deadlift every minute for 5 minutes with 395#

7/30/13: Tuesday Training Day

1 Clean + Jerk Every Minute on the Minute for 20 Minutes with 225#
1 Clean + Jerk Every Minute on the Minute for 3 Minutes with 245#

Rest 15 Minutes

15 Minute AMRAP
200M Run
10 Shoulder to overhead (135#)
10 Pull-ups