Sorry I haven't been up to date with the training log. It seems like days pass by so fast that I don't remember to update it. So here we go, I am going to try and stay consistent and up to date from here on out.
5x3 Front Squats
rest as needed
Then Partner Workout. One partner works thru the following while the other one rests. The Goal is to go as hard as you can since you are going to get rest after each round.
3 Rounds:
500m Ski Erg
15 Russian KB Swings (115#)
15 Thrusters (115#)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115# KB)
*Rest = time it takes partner to complete the round.
PM Workload
4 x 250m Row Sprints
1 minute rest after each interval
Rest 5-10 minutes
4 x 250 Row Sprints again
Rest as needed
5x5 Snatch Grip Press