"The better developed and balanced his muscular system, the healthier and better functioning will be his mind."
-Eugene Sandow
There is no physiological separation from you body and your brain.Your entire body is just an extension of your central nervous system. Many will claim that there is a separation but those very same people will not be able to tell you where the separation occurs, because there is none. So to think that they are separate is not correct. We know this is true because the way your body is, the way you carry your body, is going to dictate your emotional state and how you feel about yourself. Everything is connected. Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. At NOX Training we help the body get better/stronger/more balanced so that you can life a better, healthier, happier life.
#FUFRIDAY WORKLOAD (24 Minute Clock)
3 Rounds, 3 minutes to complete each round:
5 toes to bar
10 push-ups
15 air squats
100m shuttle run (50 out, 50 back)
20 Wallballs
*rest remaining time left of the 3 minutes allowed for each round
-straight into-
5 Minute EMOM: 100m sprints (50 out, 50 back)
-Straight into -
5 minute EMOM KB Swings
Min 1: 10 swings (2 pood kettle)
Min 2: 12 swings (2 pood kettle)
Min 3: 14 swings (2 pood kettle)
Min 4: 16 swings (2 pood kettle)
Min 5: 18 swings (2 pood kettle)
-straight into-
5 minute Burpee EMOM
Min 1: 11 Burpees
Min 2: 12 Burpees
Min 3: 13 Burpees
Min 4: 14 Burpees
Min 5: 15 Burpees
Rest 10-15 Minutes
5x3 Back Squat
10 rep back squats burnout set after
Bell Doing her 10 rep Backsquats at 185# after a tough Conditioning workout before
Thanks Patrick for taking some of the pictures while I was doing the Workload. Click the pictures to view full sizes. If you use these pictures on instagram please tag @anolympian_graphy and @noxtraining. Or tag "NoX Training" on Facebook. Thanks.
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