The LA Reign home match was a success. This was the first time attending a GRID Match and I can say that it is way more entertaining in person than via the live stream. The live stream was exciting in itself but watching the match in person and hearing the crowd roar in person was on another level of excitement. If you have the chance you should check out the LA Reign’s home match at the Walter Pyramid in Long Beach coming up in a couple weeks.
Here is the video to watch it in case you missed it, or just want to compare how it looks in person compared to watching it on a screen.
Coach Mike is doing the CrossFit Team series, sponsored by Meenut Butter with some of his LA Reign Team Mates. Watch them do one of the workouts (Event 3).
With a continuous running clock complete the following at the designated time frame:
Railroad Run and back (.65 Miles)
CrossFit Games Team Series Event 1
12 minute partner AMRAP:
30 double unders + 15 snatches (75#)
Rest while partner completes 1 round then switch.
Team “Cindy”
1 parter completes a round of cindy while other rests, then switch.
*Chest to bar pull-ups
partner barbell complex
1 Deadlift + 1 Clean + 1 front squat + 1 Jerk (155#)
*Partner completes the complex while other rests, then switch for the 10 minute time frame.
I decided to do 2 solid sessions today that will be slightly more of the anticipated volume in the Dynamic Duo Coming up in a couple of weeks so that our body and mind will be able to handle the workload come game-time.
“Whitten” Hero Workout
5 rounds:
22 kb swings (70#)
22 box jumps
400m run
22 burpees
22 wallballs
rest 15 minutes
build to a heavy 2 rep Back Squat (425#)
5 Minute AMRAP
20 yard Sled pushes alternating with teams of 4 per sled
rest 2 minutes
2 Clean and Jerks every 15 Seconds for 4 minutes (155#)
rest 10 minutes
10 Minute EMOM
10 STOH (155#)
14 Toes to bar
A big PR From Patrick after a long and grueling Hero Workout this AM. I think Pat is going to be the next NOX Competitor to hit that 400# club.
A big PR From Patrick after a long and grueling Hero Workout this AM. I think Pat is going to be the next NOX Competitor to hit that 400# club.
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