8 minutes to complete:
300m run with 70# kettle bell
300m run w/o kettle
-Max reps KB Swings remaining time
*5 toes to bar for every time you break (break = every time you stop swinging, even if still holding it or put kb down)
-Rest 2 minutes-
8 minutes to complete:
300m Medball run (20# MB)
300m run w/o MB
-Max Reps Wallballs remaining time
*5 Box jump overs (30") every time you break (break = every time you stop moving, even if you are still carrying MB or if you drop medball)
-Rest 2 minutes-
8 minutes to complete:
600m run
-Max reps burpees remaining time
*10 OH walking lunges with MB every time you get 20 burpees (ie do lunges at 20 reps, 40 reps, 60 reps, etc. until 8 minutes are up)
-Rest 15-30 minutes-
5x1 backsquat
*rest as much as you need between sets
Build from 135# until you feel like you get to a good starting weight, then count your sets from there.
Rest 10 Min
20 Rep Back squats with 325#
rest 2 min
Max effort bar muscle ups in 1 set
rest 5 minutes
Barbell Circuit - each movement with 45# barbell
2 minute amrap
snatch grip behind neck presses
rest 1 min
2 minute amrap upright rows
rest 1 minute
2 minute amrap bicep curls
rest 1 minute
2 minute amrap bench press
**DO NOT DROP BAR until the 1 minute scheduled rests.