Saturday, April 26, 2014


RAW Fitness Combine "8 Minutes of Hell"
Set the Clock for 8 Minutes
2 Minute AMRAP: air squats
2 Minute AMRAP: Power clean (115#)
2 Minute AMRAP: Hand release push-ups
2 Minute AMRAP: Thrusters (115#) 


Friday Workload
Set the clock for 30 minutes:
10 minutes to complete 3 rounds of
-21 kb swings (70#)
-15 burpees
-9 pull-ups
*after 3 rounds complete, rest remaining time of that 10 minutes.

Straight into

10 minutes to complete 3 rounds of
21 wallballs
15 burpees
9 toes to bar
*after 3 rounds complete, rest remaining time of that 10 minutes.

Straight into

10 minutes to complete the chipper
100 double unders
75 push press with 75#
50 box jumps
25 burpee muscle ups (bar or rings, you chose)

Rest 15-20 minutes

Build up to 5x3 Back squat (high bar)
went for 415 my last set but only got 2 reps.

rest 5-10 minutes

20 rep max backsquat with 335#
*i only got to 15