"First we form habits, then they form us."
This post was supposed to be for Tuesday, but it is now 12:07 AM on wednesday. The pre workout that I have been taking lately has caused me to stay up late and as a result I found myself doing stuff until I get tired enough to fall asleep. Tonight I found myself making and creating new shirt designs (and this is why it took me so long to put up this post). These are pretty basic but they took a while to make. Let me know which one you like best and I will try and perfect the most popular one with different style shirts and colors.

For those of you who cannot make it, you can watch the live feed online at games.crossfit.com by clicking on the SoCal live feed button on the home page. You can also 'like' RxAction Mobile App on Facebook or Follow Rxactionapp on Instagram. My Coworkers and I will be posting updates throughout the weekend. Go like and follow those pages now.
Also, In the near future I will no longer be posting all of these blog postings on FaceBook so please subscribe by entering your email address on the right so that you can get an alert every time I post and update.
30 minute EMOM
1 hang snatch + 1 Snatch with 95#
5 rounds for time:
7 Hang power snatch
7 pull-ups
7 box jumps (24")
3x10 Bench press with 225#