2 Red Potatoes + 1 Bell Pepper
Burned with 7 slices of bacon
1 red onion + 1 Cucumber sautéed with 1 orange juice + 10 Lemon Juice. Add sea salt and pepper and let it chill in the fridge for a few hours.
10 Minutes of Mobility
Track Dynamic warm-up drills
1 Mile Run (6:30 Pace)
Deadlifts @315#
Rest 10 Minutes
4 sets: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Full Snatch
Straight into
5x 3 Jerks
Straight into
3x5 Back squats
3x3 Back Squats
Rest 10 Minutes
For time:
50 Wallballs
40 Shoulder to OH 115#
30 Toes to bar
20 Power cleans 115#
10 Muscle ups
A few hours Later
Max rep set bench press 225#
rest 3-5 minutes
Max rep set bench press 205#
rest 3-5 minutes
Max rep set bench press 185#
rest 3-5 minutes
Max rep set bench press 135#
rest 3-5 minutes
Max rep set bench press 135#
5 Rounds Partner workout:
Partner 1: 10 ab roll-outs
Partner 2: amrap of ring dips until partner completes 10 ab rollouts
*then switch
5 Rounds:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Air Squats
*Rest 2 minutes after each round (instead of the prescribed 3)
**First 3 rounds with 25# Weight vest