Saturday, June 21, 2014

NPFL Vegas Combine + Training with Jon Pera + Workload

4 Days in Vegas for the NPFL Combine...enough said. I will start off with logging my training over the past week because that is the main purpose of this blog; to log and keep track of my training. I only worked out 1 days of the 4 days that I was in Vegas. On Wuesday we went to CrossFit Max Effort (owned by CrossFit Games competitor Zach Forrest). This was on Tuesday morning with an afternoon session as well. Below all of the training are just a few of the photos I took of the NPFL. I will designate a full post to the full album of pictures I took.

Here is what we did:

3x5 Pause back squats 
3x5 Pause Squat with heavier weight

20 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 15 Calories on the Air Dyne
Minute 2: 10 Wallballs + 10 Toes to bar
Minute 3: 10 STOH 155#

Later in the Day we trained with the beast Jon Pera, Heres what he did:

5x2 Strict Shoulder press 175#

12 Minute AMRAP:
250m Row
10 KB Swings 105#
10 Toes to bars

-5 Minutes rest-

10 Minute EMOM
Minute 1: 5 HSPU
Minute 2: 5 Bar Muscle ups
*Alternate until you reach 10 minutes

Rest 5 Minutes

5 Minute AMRAP with partner:
30 Yard Farmers Walk 2x105# kettle
Partner does burpees until partner comes back then switch

Came back from vegas the night before and was still feeling hung over from the trip so I decided to just get some front squats in. 

10x15 Front Squats 135#

30 Minute Running Clock
0:00-10:00 Every 2 Minutes 100m Shuttle Sprint (50 out/50 back) + 12 Burpees
10:00-20:00 1 Round of Cindy Every Minute
20:00-30:00 100 Wallballs for time (every break do 5 box jump overs 24"/30" alternating)

Rest 15 Minutes

10 Minute Clock:
1 Minute max effort single arm KB Clean and Jerks (70#) 
2 Minutes Air Dyne hard pace
1 Minute max effort single arm KB Clean and Jerks (70#)
2 Minutes Air Dyne hard pace
1 Minute max effort single arm KB Clean and Jerks (70#)
2 Minutes Air Dyne hard pace
1 Minute max effort single arm KB Clean and Jerks (70#)

15x1 Snatch from blocks

15 x 1 Cleans from blocks

10 Minute EMOM
1. 15 Ring dips
2. 15 ring rows

PM Session

10x50m hill Sprints w/30# weight vest