Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Another Year in the books

Initially I started this blog for the purpose of improving my writing skills so that I will be able to excel in and pass Law School (my writing and grammar was really bad and I needed practice...and it probably still is pretty bad, but much better after posting for 2+years). At the end of each semester of Law School I was faced with 9+ hours of written exams which was probably the toughest challenges I have faced so far in my life. As time went on and as I blogged more and more  I noticed that my writing improved...so I guess this blog was a success. Now that I have completed Law School I realize that the purpose of this blog may no longer exist. This is why I haven't been blogging as much lately. As I was uploading the pictures from tonights training I glanced back at older posts to see and reflect on the past year of NOX Training. I'm glad I looked back at older posts because It gave me the motivation of keeping this thing going...even though its much different than how it started. I also noticed that I have 113,180 blog views. That number is what made me decide to continue to update and post on this blog...Big thanks to anyone who reads/shares/comments on this blog. 

Here is a blog piece that was posted on December 31st, 2012...2 years ago: 

"2012 is coming to and end. I was just thinking about how much weight was lifted at NoX the past year. I was trying to imaging how much sweat was worked up over the past year. I was trying to imagine all the work put in at the box over the past year. I was trying to remember how many PRs were set. I was trying to remember how many tears were shed at the box over the past year. I was trying to remember how many people got stronger and fitter over the past year. As a result I was overwhelmed with my thoughts because I could not even come close to guessing or even putting a number on those things. " 

Here are some pictures that were from that post
Legendary Competitor Warrior Soul Comp series 3 of 3. 

 New years Eve Training hard

Tonight's Training+ Photos
12 minute EMOM
1. 14 wallballs
2. 50 double unders
3. 45 seconds inch worms

7 rounds: 
7 burpees
7 overhead squats

3x6 Overhead squats

15 Minute EMOM
1. 10 deficit hspu
2. 30 seconds max reps dubbs 
3. 1 minute max reps sit-ups

rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP
Power snatch
Chest to bar pull-ups
*once you reach 10 reps of each movement, start back at 2.