Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Training [SQUATS]

Most of the time, life does not talk to you. It just sort of pushes you around. Each push is life saying, 'wake up, there's something I want you to learn'.... 
Your comfort zone is a trap!

At your typical globo gym such as LA Fitness or 24 hour Fitness, Mondays are known as International Bench press day. So at NOX what do we do? We squat. We cannot start the week off without squats, it just wont be right. 

Part of Today's Training
5x1 Snatch
5x1 Clean and jerk
5x2 backsquats

5 rounds: 
10 hand cleans
10 front squats

10 Legless rope climbs

5 L-sit rope climbs

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Los Angeles Reign Training / NOX Training Photo

They say a photo is worth a thousand words. There are about 60-ish photos below in this blog post so that keeps from from typing 60,000 words or anything of long length. 

Today's Weightlifting (RestDay)
7x1 snatch

5x 2-position clean

5x3 snatch grip push press (behind neck)

5x3 RDLs

4x10 deadlifts

3x15 weighted back extensions

3x15 leg raises on rings