This is probably one of my longest and most diverse post in a while. I have my training, a meal that I prepped, and pictures of training that went down over the past few days. If you are a frequent viewer of this blog thank you for your support because I really only do this for the people that look at it, not myself. Please keep on supporting by sharing it on facebook or sending it to anyone you think might enjoy it. Thanks!
Sunday Training
20 Minute EMOM
1. 14 GHD Sit-ups
2. 16 Deadlifts (135#)
10 Minute AMRAP
5 Strict pull-ups
5 ring dips
Monday Training
10 rounds:
1 minute rowing
1 minute rest
10 minute EMOM
10 wallballs (30#)
For time:
kb swings (88#)
hand release push-ups
air squats
“‘Don’t Earn Your Food in the Gym’
The concept of food as a treat is baked into our society. I’m not immune to this concept and, before I learned to love lifting iron for the sake of how it made me feel (versus the way it made me look), I was much more of an outcome-motivated gal. I was in that gym thinking that an extra set of this or more time doing that allowed me to eat more. I was earning my food in the gym.”
This is s pretty good article on what people who are trying hard to get fit think about food and why they workout. Check out the full link here: http://www.eattoperform.com/2015/03/28/dont-earn-food-gym-six-lessons-wish-id-learned-sooner-lisbeth-darsh/
MealPrep Monday
As I promised I am back with another food post. I don’t have a name for this but I’ll list the ingredients and show some pictures of me making it. I tend to post just the basics so If you have any questions of anything I post on this blog feel free to email me: richard@rxactionapp.com.
1 zucchini
bunch green onions
1 stick of celery
2 cans of tuna
1 tomato
1 bell pepper
black pepper
garlic salt
cayenne pepper
olive oil
Here are some photos of training over the past few days as well as photos from coach Mike performing the CrossFit open workout 15.5. For those of you who do not know, Coach Mike did 15.5 3 times in order for him to try and qualify for regionals. 15.5 is probably one of the most brutal CrossFit workouts to date and to do it 3 times in 3 days is tough work. Now its just a waiting game to see if Coach Mike has made it to the CrossFit Regionals for a 2nd time.